Event date May 23, 2022 to May 28, 2021
Location Hyatt Regency Vancouver, Canada
Contact name Michitaka Ohtaki
Contact +81-92-583-7947 / ohtaki@kyudai.jp
The 14th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM 14) will be held in Vancouver, Canada, during May 23rd – 28th, 2021. PACRIM14 is currently planned as a hybrid (in-person plus on-line) event.
Symposium 25: “Direct Thermal to Electrical Energy Conversion Materials, Applications, and Thermal Energy Harnessing Challenges” will be held for thermoelectric and related materials and applications.
The deadline of the abstract submission has been extended. Actually, the abstract submission website is still open, because ACerS is trying to move the conference to a later date in 2021 to have a far better chance for an in-person meeting. We have not received a final date at this point. The abstract submission will remain open until they can publicly announce new dates and a generous extension for abstracts.