Welcome to our new sponsor, JoVE

The International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) is excited to welcome our new sponsor JoVE, the Journal of Visualized Experiments, the new addition to our current sponsor list. JoVE brings its revolutionary approach to scientific publishing to the forefront of thermoelectric research, offering unique video-based articles that enhance the understanding and replication of complex scientific studies.

What is Jove?

JoVE, established in 2006, has transformed how we perceive and consume scientific research and education. Unlike traditional text-based journals, JoVE uses video to document laboratory techniques, making intricate procedures accessible and reproducible for researchers around the world. This method not only increases the transparency of the experimental process but also reduces the common discrepancies and errors associated with scientific replication. JoVE video articles are peer-reviewed and indexed in PubMed, Web of Science, SciFinder, Scopus, and SCI Expanded as Journal of Visualized Experiments (J. Vis. Exp.).

For the thermoelectric community

As a leader in the field of thermoelectrics, ITS aims to propel the development and application of thermoelectric technology to address critical issues such as energy conservation and material science advancements. By collaborating with JoVE, ITS underscores its commitment to innovation and education within the thermoelectric community. This partnership will provide our members and the broader scientific community with invaluable resources, including expert demonstrations of thermoelectric experiments and techniques that are crucial for advancing research and applications.

The inclusion of JoVE as a sponsor also reflects ITS’s ongoing efforts to enhance member benefits and the overall impact of our work. JoVE’s extensive library, which spans across multiple scientific disciplines, offers our members unprecedented access to a wealth of knowledge that is both practical and cutting edge. Furthermore, JoVE’s commitment to education aligns seamlessly with ITS’s objectives to foster a deeper understanding and broader engagement with thermoelectric technology.

We invite all our members and the scientific community to explore JoVE’s innovative platform by visiting JoVE’s website. Their contributions to scientific communication and education are transforming the landscape of research and publication, making it more dynamic, interactive, and efficient. This partnership is a testament to ITS’s dedication to advancing thermoelectric technology through collaboration, innovation, and shared knowledge.

Furthermore, to foster rapid progress in thermoelectrics, JoVE is organizing a Methods Collection on Advancing Thermoelectric Materials: Insights into Synthesis and Characterization Methods guest edited by Dr. Eleonora Isotta and Sevan Chanakian. If you are interested in contributing to this collection, please submit your abstract via this online submission link. If you have any questions, please write to editorial@jove.com.

Join us in embracing this new era of scientific discovery and learning where video brings science to life, enhancing our understanding and application of thermoelectric materials and technologies.

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