Outstanding Achievement


The Outstanding Achievement in Thermoelectrics Award is a prestigious award. First initiated in 2011, it recognizes remarkable contributions to the field of thermoelectrics. The award not only includes a cash prize but also grants honorary membership in the International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) and a one-of-a-kind trophy—an engraved medal made of SiGe. Each year, the award recipient is invited to deliver an honorary lecture, typically at the ICT Meeting.

List of winners

Year Awardee Institution
2023 G. Jeffrey Snyder Northwestern University
2022 Peter Rogl and Ernst Bauer University of Vienna
2021 Don Morelli MSU College of Engineering
2020 Professor and Dr. Terry M. Tritt Clemson University, USA
2020 Professor and Dr. Lukyan I. Anatychuk Chernivtsi State University, Ukraine
2019 Dr. Jean-Pierre Fleurial Jet Propulsion Laboratory. USA
2019 Dr. Theirry Caillat Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
2018 Professor Kunihito Koumoto Nagoya University, Japan
2017 Professor Ctirad Uher University of Michigan, USA
2016 Professors Hubert and Stanislas Scherrer Ecole des Mines Nancy, France
2015 Professor Gerald Mahan Pennsylvania State University, USA
2014 Professor Mercouri G. Kanatzidis Northwestern University
2013 Professor Mildred Dresselhaus MIT
2012 Dr. Julian Goldsmid University of New South Wales
2011 Dr. Glen Slack Crystal IS, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute

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