We would like to announce that, in addition to US and EU branches of VCT, an Asian branch was also established and welcomes the nominations for talks by Asian students and postdocs. The Asian committee members for Japan, China, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia are listed in the VCT web page
<https://conferences.mines.edu/vct2020/>. Please contact Paolo Mele with general questions (Shibaura IT, Tokyo, Japan) <pmele(at)shibaura-it.ac.jp>
A maximum of 3 nominations per research group are possible. Self-candidatures for students and postdocs are not allowed. To submit candidatures of their students and postdocs, Asian PIs – except for China – should use the google form
For China, the PIs should contact directly Prof. Yangzhong Pei (Tongji University) <yanzhong(at)tongji.edu.cn> and send him: name, institution, position of PI; name of the candidate(s) and the tentative presentation titles.
All candidates should be ready to provide their abstract one week after the submission of the nominati
on when the organizing committee will contact them.